Tel Aviv / Jaffa - Pastor Henry Hinn was born and raised.
When visiting the Holy Land, most Christians turn to traditional sites in Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem to seek out New Testament and biblical history. But not everyone knows that several significant Christian holy sites also lie in Jaffa, the southern part of cosmopolitan Tel Aviv.
Saint Peter, one of Jesus’s 12 apostles, performed numerous miracles in Jaffa and had a vision that led him to begin preaching the gospel to non-Christians. The tales of Peter in Jaffa are told in the Book of Acts.
In Acts, Chapter 9, Peter is summoned to come to the rescue of the disciple, Tabitha, a woman from Jaffa, on her deathbed. However, by the time Peter reached her, the woman had already passed. Peter knelt at the woman’s bedside and prayed to the Lord for her to rise. Upon doing so, Tabitha opened her eyes and sat up, completely healed. After that, Peter spent numerous days residing in Jaffa with Simon the Tanner.
This miraculous event led many residents of Jaffa to follow Christianity. The tall steeples of the centrally located Church of Saint Peter, commemorate the healing of Tabitha. Additionally, the Russian Orthodox Church houses Tabitha’s tomb as well as artistic renditions of Peter healing the disciple from Jaffa.
Another point of interest is the House of Simon the Tanner, the place where Peter stayed while in Jaffa. Peter also had a great vision on top of the roof of this house, in which he was commanded to eat animals that were regarded as unclean in the Jewish tradition, under kosher law. When Peter refused to eat the non-kosher animals, the voice responded “What God has cleansed, you must not call common” (Acts 10:15). Peter interpreted this divine vision as permission to forgo Jewish law and preach the Gospel to Jews as well as gentiles. After this event, the Gospel evolved from a small sect to the world as it is today.
The Mediterranean Sea/ Caesarea/ Mount Carmel/ Megiddo/ Plain of Armagedon
After a good night's rest and hearty breakfast we board our motor coach to Caesarea by the sea. We will visit the Crusader's Castle, the Roman Ampitheater and water duct, and the port from where the Apostle Paul sailed to Rome. Driving through Jezreel Valley we will visit Megiddo and continue to the fields of Armageddon (Revelation 16:16). Continuing northward along the Mediterranean Sea to Hafia and Mt. Carmel-the biblical site of Elijah's contest with the prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18). Traveling eastward across Galilee we will view Mt. Tabor (Psalms 89:12), Deboriya-the hometown of the prophetess Deborah-at the foothill of Mt. Tabor (Judges 4 and 5). We will overnight at our hotel on the shores of the beautiful Sea of Galilee.
Tiberias/ The Sea of Galilee / Capernaum / Mount of Beatitudes - Sermon on the Mount
This will be an exciting day in the Galilee area. After a delicious breakfast, we will depart from the Roman hot springs resort city of Tiberias via a boat ride across the sea of Galilee, (recalling how Jesus calmed the water, and we can have a special worship service). Then we will go on to Capernaum (John 6:24) to visit the ancient ruins of the first century synagogue where Jesus preached (Matt. 4:13-17). Then on to the Mt. of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the "Sermon on the Mount" (Matt. 5-7) and to Tabgha-the chapel dedicated to the multiplication of the loaves and fishes (Mark 6:34-44). We will then proceed to upper Galilee and the site of Peter's confession (Matt 16:16) at Caesarea Phillipi and to Mount Hermon (Psalms 89:12) the probable site of the Transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-8) and the present day Golan Heights where Israel, Lebanon and Syria come together. We will follow the fresh mountain waters of Mt. Hermon to the Sea of Galilee and to the outlet passage at the southern tip of the sea. We will stop at the beautiful Pilgrims Park at the Jordan River; we will spend some time celebrating special baptismal service, recalling how Jesus himself was baptized in the same place. Then after the service we will return to our hotel overnight.
Nazareth/ Jericho/ Jerusalem
Early morning departure to Cana and then on on to Nazareth, the hometown of Jesus, where we will visit the Church of the Annunciation (Luke 1:5-42) and Mary's Fountain (Luke 4:16-22). We will continue to Besthshean and then south through the Jordan Valley to see Ancient Jericho where the walls came tumbling down (1 Kings 17:1-6 and 2 Kings 2:19-22), a commanding view of the Mt. of Temptation (Matt. 4:1-11) and Elisha's Fountain. Then we head up to Jerusalem through the Judean wilderness. We will stay overnight in our hotel in the Holy City of Jerusalem.
After a night of rest and a hearty breakfast this exciting day will begin with a drive to Mt. Scopus and the Mt. of Olives (Matt. 24:3) for a panoramic view of the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting the chapel of the Ascension, the church of Pater Noster and teh Dominus Flevit. Walk along Hosanna Road to Gethsemane to visit the Church of All Nations which stands on the Rock of Agony where Jesus was betrayed by Judas (Matt. 26:36-57). We will also see the Pillar of Absalom, the Eastern (Golden) Gate and the Pinnacle of the Temple. overnight. We will then continue on to visit Bethlehem, visiting the Church of the Nativity, the birthplace of Jesus, Shepherds Field (Luke 2:1-20), and then the Field of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 1:16-17 & 4:13). We will return to Rachel's Tomb in the afternoon. We will then drive to Mt. Zion where we visit the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu on the site of Caiphas' House, the room of the Last Supper Luke (22:14-20) and the tomb of King David. We will then go back to our hotel.
Jerusalem/ Old City
This day begins with a walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem. Starting at the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) where the faithful Jews cry their petitions to God. We continue to the Temple Area of Mt. Moriah. We visit the El Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock that was built on the ancient site of Solomon's Temple (Genesis 22:9-14) and over the Rock of Sacrifice where Abraham offered Issac (Genesis 22) and the ceremonial sacrifice of animals took place. After this we walk along the Via Dolorosa to Pilate's Judgement Hall, the Chapel of the Flagellation, the Ecce Homo Arch (John 19:13) where Jesus was tried before Pilate (Mark 15:6). We then continue through the Old City bazaars to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Last we will visit The Garden Tomb and Golgotha-Place of the Skull, taking extra time for worship and a communion service. We will then return to our hotel for dinner and over night.
Massada/ Dead Sea/ Qumran Bethany
This morning we drive via the Judean Desert to the Dead Sea-the lowest point on earth. Bring your swimming suit with you as we will have a chance to spend some time and float, and enjoy the healthy Dead Sea mud. A beautiful new road takes us south along the shores of the Dead Sea to Masada by cable car to visit the magnificent ruins of the fortress where from 70-73 A.D. the Jewish defenders made the last stand of the Judean Revolt against Rome and where the remains of storehouses, cisterns and a sixth century Byzantine church are still on view. Return along the Dead Sea to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Visit the remains of the Community Center of the Essenes and the Caves of the Scrolls. We continue on the Jericho Road viewing the Inn of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37). On the return to Jerusalem we visit Bethany, the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. We then head to our Jerusalem hotel where we will stay overnight.

We will transfer to Tel Aviv Airport for departure.

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